Thank you for agreeing to share your platform and hold space to discuss this special topic: I am a married, 30-something, gender-queer person with a toddler that calls me “Mama”. Since before my Prophylactic Bilateral Mastectomy in December, 2020, I have been sharing my personal BRCA1 journey on IG via @hisdavn. I have been inspired by those so vulnerably sharing their own stories, and have felt encouraged to do the same. Through this, I have come to recognize an area of outreach that seems to be missing from the overall Hereditary Breast and Ovarian Cancer and non-genetic Breast Cancer online support communities. LGBTQ+ people within the predominantly cisgender and heterosexual online support communities for Previvors, Survivors, and Thrivers struggle to see themselves represented which can add an extra layer of invisibility to the recovery experience. Let’s talk about what this looks like, possible implications and concerns, and potential solutions.
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